At Forest City Wildlife we prioritize humane and effective methods for removing wildlife from your property. Our practices leverage the natural habits and instincts of animals, allowing for swift removal and minimal damage to your environment.
Our approach involves the use of specialized one-way doors designed uniquely for each type of animal we manage. Whether it’s a raccoon, a skunk, a squirrel, or a bat, we have a specifically constructed one-way door for each. These devices are installed at the animal’s point of entry, compelling them to exit and preventing them from re-entering. This strategy proves highly effective and often results in same-day animal eviction.
Our profound passion for wildlife, paired with our unwavering commitment to client satisfaction, defines our operations. Our clients prefer our services because they seek a solution that’s not just effective but also compassionate. Our approach ensures a win-win situation – no harm comes to the animals, and homeowners can enjoy peace of mind, knowing they no longer share their roof with unwelcome wildlife. You can discover more about our esteemed animal eviction services through our client testimonials.
Operating in London and surrounding regions, we are striving to become a leading service in the humane wildlife removal industry. When you have unwanted pests in your attic, roof, garage, chimney, or shed – we are your go-to service for their eviction.